Live Each Day Like Its Your Last

You see me today working out every morning before 6am and think ya right I like my sleep I can't get up that early!
But see It was NOT easy and some days I still don't want to get up at 5am!!!!
I love to sleep in! But my reason for getting up everyday is to give myself ME time which is 30 minutes of a workout and 30 minutes of praying:
Its the reason I can confidently say, With God I can do anything.
Life will always throw hail at you,
Even if the storm in your life was caused by someone else or yourself.
You need to have something positive that you do for YOU daily to help you through those hard times that WILL come. 
I'm so used to getting up and working out that it just happens without even thinking about it and I know it makes my day 100 times better.
Find an activity you can and will enjoy every day, snow or sunshine that you can see yourself doing years from today.
Once you change your mindset to the way You feel is worth more then sleeping in or reading 10 pages a day will help me get through even the craziest storms. That's when you will get up everyday full energy living your BEST life

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